How to prevent college students from getting addicted

When it comes to addiction, anyone can get addicted due to different risk factors that exist around us.  

College students are not left out of this, as they can become addicted if care isn’t taken. When they become addicted, it can affect their academics, relationships, finances, and even their physical health.

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Here are some tips to help college students stay sober and free of addiction

Educate them

One of the ways to help college students fight off addiction is to educate them about how it develops. It is equally essential to teach them about the downsides that come with addiction so that it would give them enough reason to remain sober.

When people are more informed about a concept, they are likely to make better-informed decisions when they are at crossroads.

Teach them to avoid peer pressure and temptations

Some addicted college students were probably influenced by their friends or classmates. You can teach them to focus on building healthy relationships with family and friends who do not have an addiction issue.

When you surround yourself with the right people, you are likely to be positively influenced by their behaviors. However, staying around addicted individuals might make them start abusing drugs, and alcohol, or engage in different types of behavioral addiction.

Live a healthy life

Another way to prevent addiction from building up is to live a healthy life. The application of healthy habits helps to prevent you from making unhealthy decisions.

For instance, when some people are stressed, their first line of action is to take substances like drugs or alcohol for relief. Often, the relief is temporary, and to sustain it, they might need to increase the amount of these substances.

If you happen to have a child or teenager who is a college student, you need to develop a solid relationship with them so that you can know what they are up to. Parents or caregivers who are not close to their children often miss the chance to know when they are developing unhealthy habits.

Signs that a college student is struggling with addiction

When college students are addicted, it can affect different aspects of their lives. Hence, it is better to help them before they get to the point where it becomes more difficult to manage.

If you are suspecting whether your child who is a college student is addicted, here are some signs to help you find out.

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Poor grades

One of the ways to know an addicted college student is when they record poor grades. Usually, academics is the first aspect of their lives to suffer from a student addiction.

They may hardly pay attention to their studies because their priorities have shifted. This means that they might spend less time studying for tests, assignments, and other academic projects.

Mood swings

It is important to mention that addiction can cause some changes in the brain that affects mood. Addicted college students might frequently experience mood swings which are often a sign of mental distress.

Poor physical hygiene

Another sign of addiction in college students is poor physical hygiene. Most of them might not pay attention to basic hygiene because they are focused on their addictive activities. For instance, someone struggling with drug or alcohol addiction might always look unkempt.


You can spot an addicted college student through their social interactions and behaviors. If you notice that they prefer to stay indoors, instead of being around people, they might be struggling with addiction.

One of the reasons might be that they don’t want anyone to discover that they are addicted through their physical appearance.

Failing relationships

Not all addicted college students are on good terms with their families and friends because of their addiction. They might often be involved in conflicts with their loved ones, and they may keep avoiding each other.

When you are certain that your child or teenager is struggling with addiction, it is important to assist them in seeking help from a reputable addiction treatment center. Be ready to give your unflinching support to ensure that they eventually become sober.